Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Housing Hub-Bub Rub


This being my first official Blogging effort and post I felt it should contain opinion and insights relative to what I know best. Real Estate Lending.

By Now you or someone you know has been affected by the backlash of economic issues facing
the country. Also, the rise of more predatory practices in the home ownership arena particularly
those facing foreclosure and or struggling to stay out of foreclosure. It seems that the last decade or so has illuminated the character defect genome known as "the greedy-deceit sydrome". Granted, I am not anywhere near a doctor or scientist and do not profess to have any psycho-social abilities to figure out the who and the why of it all. However, when you do the reverse math of greed versus need, someone forgot to carry the 1.

Yes, there is a need for affordable housing but at what costs? The majority of those who read at least the headlines of current events know that home ownership is one of the major keys to sustaining the infrastucture and economic viability of our communities. Obviously, the last 4-5 yrs of "fog the mirror-sign on the line " concept proved to be a crippling departure from buy what you can afford, not what you can finance.

Last but not least, is the need now to modify the struggling homeowners' loan terms to provide some relief and minimize the down field impact of deteriorating neighborhoods and property tax revenue loss. Well, I could go on but I want to see how this plays out with whomever decides to read it.

My next post will offer more on some of the options available and pitfalls to watch out for.